

i found a hair looks like yours on my bed this morning

thought you were sleeping next to me secretly last night

no wonder i slept well

but you could wake me up and say hi

i really miss you, babe

new york city is just way too far


Funny Games

photo by suku




dear home,

thought you had changed

thought you were gone

thought you forgot

thought you refused

but you never changed

thank you

writing and photo by suku



a conversation

(on the phone)

hey can i ask your opinion?

sure. what about it?

remember i told you i got hockney's poster book at a used book store for five bucks and really happy about it, right?


the book is pretty big, and

how big?

it's like twice as dali book you gave me as a gift

twice as the book? holly shit, that's so big

well, maybe not so big, maybe one point five times big.

but still it's really big!

no, i mean, not that big, really.

but it sounds like a really big poster book. So cool.

it's nice but not super duper big, you know?

i wish i could see it, sounds like,

well, can you please stop saying it's a big book because i feel like you're imaging a really big book and I need to tell you it's not so much and as i'm telling you this I'm looking at the actual book from one feet away and feels like its not so big anymore and even start feeling stupid to pay five bucks for this tiniest book ever. ok? please stop saying its a really big book!! all i wanted to ask you was if it's a good idea to cut each pages down and frame them, but now it's just ridiculous to even hang them on the wall because they are not big and cool anymore. so, please please stop saying that.

im so sorry babe

writing by suku